#  Standard Definitions for Ricardian Contracts
#  $Id: 56c72cb7b1fe56ccc5b69fb0a7b129544144cbfa,v 1.1 2005/03/01 00:12:06 iang Exp $
#  A Ricardian Contract may incorporate these standard
#  definitions by including in section [definitions]:
#    definitions_include = <hash>
#  where hash is defined below/
#  For location of the latest version of this file, see:
#    <http://www.webfunds.org/ricardo/contracts/standard.txt>
#  Replace 'standard.txt' with the hash to acquire the version
#  referenced in any given contract.  Make sure you cache the
#  exact version used on your contract publication page under
#  the name of the hash.

definitions_ricardian_contract = *
  This form of agreement is sometimes known as a Ricardian
  Contract, a form developed by Systemics to provide a
  mechanism to accurately express any form of contractual
  value suitable for Internet payments.

  More information about Ricardian contracts can be found at


  and this published academic paper


definitions_standard_terms = *
  These standard terms and conditions are supplied where they
  are likely to be the same for all contracts.  They include
  definitions and terms that explain and rely on the technology.

  Where a clause in these standard terms and conditions
  disagrees with a clause in the enclosing signed contract,
  the term in the enclosing signed contract rules.

definitions_comment = *
  Ricardian Contracts include comments which are lines that
  begin with '#' or with ';' as seen at the top of this file.

  Comments are for explanatory purpose only and are not
  intended to form part of the clauses of the contract.

  Where a clause disagrees with a comment, the clause rules.

definitions_5PM = *
  The five parties model ("5PM") is a model of governance for
  payment systems designed to protect the value of the units

  The five Roles consists of Issuer, Operator, Mint, Manager
  and User.

  In 5PM, the Operator, Mint, and Manager are roles that are
  appointed by the Issuer to fulfill the governance tasks.
  The User is encouraged to audit and vet the governance of
  the issue, including the actions of the roles.

  In the case where there are reserves as well as digital
  balances to protect, there may be two separate but parallel
  5PMs.  In this case, the Issuer and the User is the same
  in both models.  In the case of reserves, the Operator
  would more properly be termed the Repository, and the
  Mint might be termed the co-signatory or custodian.

  This and other clauses below explain but do not oblige the
  5PM.  The Issuer may outline his committment to the 5PM in
  the contract.

definitions_issuer = *
  The Issuer is the legal signatory to the master contract.
  His digital signature is affixed to the bottom of the
  contract in OpenPGP form (and not on this file).

  The Issuer is ultimately responsible for the performance
  of the contract.  The Issuer is responsible for appointing
  the governance roles of Mint, Operator, Manager, Repository,
  Co-signatory and others.

  The Issuer is identified in the [entity] section.

definitions_persons = *
  Following conventions of financial cryptography, the Issuer
  is sometimes known as Ivan, and is written in the masculine.
  The User is sometimes known as Alice, and is written in the
  feminine.  These conventions should be read as being
  inclusive of gender.  Additional users may include Bob and

definitions_user = *
  The User is the holder of units of a contract.  The User
  becomes legal signatory to a contract when she adds the
  contract to her account or accounts or when she accepts
  or makes a payment in this contract.

  Her digital signature is provided to the Operator in a
  transaction facilitated by her software.

#  Such software programs are WebFunds and Pumphouse which
#  can be downloaded for free from a number of sites including
#     <http://www.webfunds.org/>

definitions_operator = *
  The Operator is responsible for the technical hosting and
  management of the Ricardian Issuance Server, which manages
  the accounting of the Users' units, as directed by signed
  requests from the Users.

  The Operator is also responsible for enabling the Mint
  account, under instruction from the Issuer.

definitions_mint = *
  The Mint consists of a special account that may create value
  where before there was none, and a person, natural or legal,
  who is responsible for that account.  The Mint is appointed
  by the Issuer, and is bound to only create value under
  instruction by the Issuer, and in accordance with the terms
  of the contract.

  Value is created by the Mint and generally sent to the
  Manager.  Value returned by the Manager to the Mint should
  be deposited into the Mint accoung and thus reduce the float
  by that amount.

definitions_units_of_issue = *
  Ricardian Contracts are generally issued with two forms of
  units, being Units of Account and Units of Contract.

  Units of Contract are the underlying numbers in which
  accounting is conducted.  Within the low level accounting,
  all calculations are done in units of contract.

  Units of Account are the high level numbers that the user
  is familiar with.  All presentation of information should
  be done in Units of Account.  The User's software will
  convert between the two forms automatically.

  The [unit] section describes the relationship between them.
  Generally, a currency contract would express its units in
  common decimal form, with Units of Account like dollars and
  Units of Contract like cents, but this is by no means

definitions_float = *
  Float is the total quantity of units outstanding, and is
  created by the Mint account (which account is specially
  enabled by the Operator and only as instructed by the Issuer).

definitions_manager = *
  A Manager is appointed by the Issuer to control issued
  but undisbursed value.  This value is transferred to the
  Manager's account from the Mint account, or is returned
  by Users.  The Manager holds day-to-day balances of value.

definitions_backing = *
  "Backing" is defined as the sum total of assets that make
  units of this contract valuable to Users.  Any given issue
  may include more or less elements that add up to give an
  issue backing.  Anything of value, including intangibles,
  may be considered to be an element of backing.

  See [conditions] for details of a given issue's backing.

definitions_reserves = *
  "Reserves" are defined as underlying assets that have the
  same or similar denomination and value as the digital issue,
  and are escrowed for the sole purpose of maintaining the
  value of the digital issue.

  Reserves are an element of backing.  Any given issue may
  or may not include reserves, as defined in [conditions].

definitions_date = *
  The date of this contract between the Issuer and the user
  is that date upon which the user received each unit of the

definitions_hash = *
  The identifier of the contract is calculated using the
  Ricardian Canonical Message Digest ("hash").  This is
  defined as a cryptographic message digest calculated
  over text with no trailing-whitespace and with line
  endings set as \r\n.  Commonly, SHA1 is used, but others
  are envisaged for the future.

  A Unix approximate calculation is:

    sed -e 's/[  ]$//g' -e 's/$/^M/' standard.txt |
    openssl sha1

  (note space and tab are stripped.)  More information on
  the hash and Ricardian Contracts is found at


  This file of standard clauses is identified by the same

definitions_contract_url = *
  The Issuer should maintain a "Contract Publication Page" that
  is used for publication of any important notices that effect
  the contract, as well as the contract itself and any other
  information relevent to it.  This page is identified in the
  entity section.

conditions_privacy = *
  The following is a pro-forma privacy statement.  Look in the
  contract for any overriding clauses:

  The settlement of transactions in a Ricardian Contract is
  normally done with confidentiality.

  The routine exception to confidentiality is the ongoing
  publication of balances, as duly designated by the Issuer to
  provide users with confirmation that these balances are being

  A rare exception to confidentiality is when due process is
  served by a court of competent jurisdiction.

#  This is the end of the Standard Conditions $version: $